
Black Bear Breaks Into Car, Drinks 69 Cans of Soda

Even bears can get a thirst for a sugary beverage every once in a while. A British Columbia woman managed to capture a bear on video making a late-night visit to her car, guzzling the 69 cans of soda she had inside.

Sharon Rosel explained that her dog woke her up at her Earls Cove, B.C., Canada home at around 3 a.m. When she looked out the window to see what the disturbance was, she saw that a bear had shattered one of her car windows and was helping itself to the cans of soda she had purchased for her business.

“He was drinking massive amounts of soda,” Rosel said.

Rosel snapped photos and took a video of the thirsty bear as it drank through 69 of the 72 cans of soda she had stored in her car overnight. Apparently, the bear’s favorite flavor was Orange Crush but decided to give up after trying some diet cola.

While the cans of soda were demolished, so was the inside of Rosel’s car. She said the damage to her car included ripped leather, a broken window roller and sticky residue everywhere. “Of course, white leather interior goes really good with Orange Crush,” Rosel said.

Rosel is hoping her insurance company will pay for some of the damage as she doesn’t normally leave any food or trash in her car overnight. She didn’t think that the bear would be able to smell the drinks through a can in her car.
