
Chihuahua Fetches World Record for the Oldest Dog Living

If the average life expectancy for dogs is 10-15 years, an Ohio dog named Spike has surpassed all expectations and has been awarded the world record for his long life. Spike has been awarded the Guinness World Record for the oldest dog living after reaching the age of 23 years, 43 days old.

Spike is a nine-inch-tall chihuahua that was found in a Camden grocery store parking lot by his owners 13 years ago. “He had been shaved up his back, had blood stains around his neck from a chain or rope, and looked pretty rough,” Kimball said. “The clerk in the grocery told us he had been there for three days and they were feeding him scraps.”

The rescue dog transitioned into farm life well and was given the name Spike for his loud personality. “Spike was a name for a large dog. My guy was small but he had the attitude of a big dog,” Kimball added.

Credit: Guinness World Records

Kimball visited the vet to get Spike checked up and the vet estimated the dog’s birthday to be November 10, 1999. Later on, when the owner was watching The Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon, she realized her dog was older than the former oldest dog living, Pebbles.

“Most of our family knew that Spike was old but didn’t know he had a shot at being the oldest in the world,” Kimball said. “Now that he is a record holder, they see him as a celebrity.”

Spike is a fighter whose blessed with the longest life in the canine world.
