
Groom Calls Off Wedding Due to Used Furniture in Dowry

People can be materialistic where possessions come before people. A fiancé’s value might fall short when compared to the value derived from a piece of furniture.

If that idea sounds bizarre, a groom in Hyderabad discovered that used furniture slipped in by the bride’s family as dowry. Rather than accepting it, he called off the wedding. He isn’t willing to arrange his new home with someone else’s used possessions.

Mohammad Zakeer, a 25-year-old bus driver in Moulali, was all set to get hitched to Heena Fatima, a 22-year-old who lives in Bandlaguda’s Rehmat Colony.

The wedding was supposed to occur in a mosque and all of the preparations were ready to go. The wedding venue was decorated with floral arrangements, guests were invited and a feast was ordered.

After waiting at the altar with no groom, the bride’s father got the word that Zakeer and his family would not attend the wedding. They weren’t ready to seal the deal at the altar.

When the bride’s father reached out to the groom’s family, they said they were unsatisfied with the furniture. They said the furniture was used and demanded more items to be added to the dowry.

The bride’s father refused to meet the escalated demands and reported the incident to the police. He added that he was abused and turned away when confronting them about their absence.

Now, the groom has an empty place with no wife or furniture. Greed was enough to push the envelope to a police investigation. The Hyderabad Police confirmed that a case has been registered against the groom.
