
Man Catches Carp in Flooded California Road

With the heavy rainfall California is having at the moment, entire neighborhoods have flooded or washed away. One man tried to make light of the situation when he caught a carp in the middle of a residential area while stuck in traffic.

Traffic was backed up on College Road in Watsonville, California, as high waters reached more than ankle deep. During this traffic jam, Danielle Garcia took a video of a man catching a carp in the middle of the residential neighborhood.

Could it be possible that he was looking for a meal while waiting for traffic? “He just caught a fish on College Road,” Garcia said. “He’s going to have dinner tonight. It was just swimming across the road.” 

Garcia confirmed that all the traffic had stopped because no one wanted to run the fish over. Then she saw the man get out of his vehicle and grab at the slippery carp. “I need to film this,” she said.

Apparently, Kelly Lake, stocked with fish by the local rod and gun club, had spilled out and the carp had escaped into the neighborhood. Nearby Drew Lake was also overflowing, which led to people out fishing in the streets for some carp.

Garcia is now working with officials to get the water pumped out of the area. “I’m hoping they will get to that soon,” she said. 
