
Michigan Mom Makes Meatloaf Version of Her Son

You know that feeling when the kids provoke your repressed anger but you can’t assault them since you don’t want to initiate a case with child services. In those heated moments, you can always bake a meatloaf resembling your child to slice up to relieve some of that tension.

A mom in Mesick, Michigan, did make a meatloaf resembling her son but it was more of an appreciative gesture. Melissa Suriano, mom of a 17-year-old teen named Collin, surprised her son with a dinner that had a personalized touch. Suriano walked up to the dinner table with a large meatloaf that looked just like Collin. 

The mother organized the personalized dinner as a sign of gratitude to her son for taking the initiative to help with the chores when she started a new job. He helped take care of his younger brother, Boston, who has special needs and organized the family basement, which his mom described as “really messy.”

Credit: Kennedy News

Collin was surprised by the presentation as it felt like staring at himself in mirror. As part of the meal prep, his mom shredded cheese for the hair, green olives for the eyes, red peppers for the eyebrows and white onions for the teeth.

Once the meatloaf was cooked and served, he expressed discomfort to see a food version of himself being eaten. Even though the teen found the food hilarious, he also wondered why he couldn’t have a “normal” mom.

“At first I found the whole thing extremely funny — like the whole fact that she sculpted my face off a photo into a meatloaf,” Collin said.

Still a good mom in his books. “I don’t think any other mother in the world has done that before, which makes it really weird but it’s a good weird,” Collin added.

“His brother started teasing him about it and saying silly things like, ‘Are you going to have second helpings? You’re really going to be full of yourself.'” the mother said.

Mom’s treat is a hit for the eyes, not the mouth. Although the meatloaf was outstanding in the custom design, according to Collin, it fell short in taste.
