
Woman Scrubs High-Rise Building Windows Without Safety Gears

Cleaning ladies may be real-life superwomen when they take their tedious tasks to a high-rise building with no safety gear. In a viral Instagram video, two women are seen putting their lives in jeopardy to get sparkling clean windows. They were captured standing on the rim of the window frame and seemed oblivious to the dangers of the job. One wrong step can lead to a bedridden tragedy.

The ladies are on the tenth floor of the building as they fight against strong winds and a fear of heights to get their paychecks. The post was shared with the caption: “Health & safety would have a field day here.”

Credit: UNILAD

People on social media were shocked by the ladies taking their jobs very seriously. A user wrote: “The Gods of cleaning services,” while another added: “This gave me anxiety.”

Some people believe it’s the “Life of a Cleanaholic,” while another calls the ladies “Wonder Women.”  

Statistics may be wrong with this one as a person wrote: “And they say women live longer than men.”
