
Chinese Zoo Denies Bear is Actually a Human in a Costume

Is it a bear or is it a human? That is the question. Officials at a Chinese zoo have denied that a sun bear captured on video at the facility is actually just a human wearing an animal costume.

The Hangzhou Zoo in Zhejiang province responded online after members of the public questioned whether a viral video filmed at the zoo showed an actual sun bear or a human dressed in a costume.

The video, which has been circulating online, shows the animal standing on two legs and striking a strangely realistic human-like posture. Some users also pointed out that pleats on the animal’s backside resembled bunched clothing. Zoo officials have disagreed with these remarks and have come out to say that is a normal part of sun bear anatomy.

Jiang Zhi, deputy director of the Hangzhou Zoo, reported that some of the confusion likely comes from the bear being misidentified as a black bear in some viral social media posts. According to Zhi, sun bears are much smaller with shorter fur and a different body shape. Apparently, they’re close enough to a human to be mistaken for one.

A zoo spokesman has also said that the temperature at the zoo lately has been reaching 104 degrees, which is way too hot for a human to survive for more than a few minutes in a heavy bear suit.

We may never know the real truth behind this bear… or human.

Source: https://twitter.com/TODAYonline/status/1685971005175668736