
Family Orders Halloween Casket Prop and Get the Real Deal

Why settle for the fake display when you can get the real treasure? A family for Baltimore, Maryland, was set to decorate their home for Halloween with a casket prop. Once they opened the delivery items, they didn’t just receive an empty casket. It was a real casket featuring the ashes of Edith Cruze along with her picture and death certificate.

A baffled user shared the delivery story on TikTok where she panned the camera over the casket and her mother was explaining the items in the delivery. Instead of their ordered prop, they showed the white casket with the deceased woman’s belongings.

Credit: brookewozniak463

Her picture was found taped to the back of the cardboard box. Her death certificate had her social security number and they also found a George Washington University Hospital bracelet.

Edith Crews was a 74-year-old community pastor who died after contracting COVID-19. It’s ironic how the ashes of Crews ended up in the hands of a complete stranger.

For those wondering, the ashes weren’t another addition to the Halloween setup. It made its way back into the right hands. The deceased woman’s granddaughter came across the TikTok video and showed her mom, Sabrina Jones. Fortunately, the items were returned back to the family.
