
Funeral Homes Offering Hot Pink Barbie-Themed Coffins

Barbie’s Dreamhouse has been sold to us for some time now but what if you can drop the ground like a fashionista in an unconventional coffin? Now, there’s Barbie’s dream coffin for Barbie fans who fantasize about a bold ending to their life.

Greta Gerwig’s “Barbie” movie has inspired a fashion trend known as “Barbiecore,” and now funeral homes are hopping on the popular theme. Funeral homes are now offering hot pink Barbie-themed coffins for fans who seek non-traditional options with a flair of color. The vibrant hue is bound to stun the mourning crowd.

“This coffin, with its striking bright pink color, represents the spark and energy of those unforgettable moments they lived,” a promotional video said. “It is a reminder that our stories deserve to be remembered and celebrated with color and vibrancy. May this tribute be a celebration full of love, colors and unforgettable memories.”

Olivares Funeral Home is advertising their “Barbie House” coffin with the catchphrase: “So you can rest like Barbie.”

There are other funeral homes in Mexico, El Salvador and across Latin America that are also giving people the option to purchase pink coffins.

Alpha and Omega Funeral Home in Ahuachapán, El Salvador, introduced the Barbie-themed coffin, about a year ago. Undertaker Isaac Villegas said they started offering 30 percent discounts on the hot pink coffins after the release of the Barbie movie.

“We wanted to promote the pink coffin as it has become a trend and people have been contacting us. Of the 40 people who inquired about it, we have already closed a contract with at least 10 new clients,” Villegas said. “We even ran out of stock.”

A local said of the coffin: “Eternal rest doesn’t look so bad anymore.”

“Before cremating me, I hope they put me in a Barbie coffin for my funeral,” another added.

“Death in plastic, it’s fantastic,” someone else said.

Source: https://nypost.com/2023/08/01/funeral-homes-offering-bright-pink-barbie-themed-coffins/