
What Would You Do for a Choco Taco?

As most already know, Klondike’s iconic Choco Taco has been discontinued. Now, people are trying to sell the delicious ice cream treat for hundreds of dollars. After all, we do live in a capitalist society so this just adds up.

The Choco Taco was invented in 1983 by a former ice cream truck driver. The treat is a waffle cone shaped like a taco shell filled with fudge-swirled ice cream. It’s then dipped in chocolate and peanuts.

Klondike confirmed in July 2022 that the summer treat is being pulled from ice cream trucks, convenience stores and grocery shelves.

“Over the past two years, we have experienced an unprecedented spike in demand across our portfolio and have had to make very tough decisions to ensure availability of our full portfolio nationwide. A necessary but unfortunate part of this process is that we sometimes must discontinue products, even a beloved item like Choco Taco,” the company said.

The news of its demise sent social media users into a meltdown at the thought of losing the treat. Several people have listed their Choco Tacos for sale for as little as $25 or as high as thousands of dollars.

While some of the postings may be for a laugh, you never know how far people would go for a yummy Choco Taco during the summer heat.

It might not be all bad news though. Klondike sent out a tweet that said the company was “working hard to find a way to bring Choco Taco back to ice cream trucks in the coming years.”

Could Choco Tacos be showing up at Taco Bell long-term? In February 2022, the restaurant chain announced a collaboration with Klondike and sold Choco Tacos at 20 locations in Los Angeles and Milwaukee. Taco Bell used to sell Choco Tacos but took them off their menu in 2015.
