
Bear Steals Chick-fil-A Order From Man’s Front Porch

Ordering food to your door can be a hit or miss depending on what hungry creature is in the area. A Florida man had his dinner ruined when a hungry black bear stole his Chick-fil-A delivery order right from his front door.

Paul Newman’s home security camera was able to capture footage of the hungry bear approaching the front door of his Seminole County home. The animal does some serious sniffing before choosing one of the Chick-fil-A bags dropped off by the delivery driver.

Credit: Paul Newman

In the video, Newman mentions that the bear decided to opt for the bag that contained 30 chicken nuggets and a large order of fries while the second bag remained untouched.

It’s obvious why too. “He didn’t want the salad, though,” Newman said. “Nothing to do with the salad. Weird.” Apparently, the salad didn’t smell as appetizing as the chicken nuggets. Surprise, surprise.
