
Deer Goes on Shopping Trip

A surprised shopper was in for a treat when an unusual customer was seen browsing the aisles. A deer was making a shopping trip to a Dollar General store in Michigan to pick up some necessities.

Connie MacGuinness was shopping at the Dollar General location in Jackson when she heard a loud noise behind her. To her surprise, it was a deer coming down the aisle towards her.

MacGuinness was able to pull out her phone and recorded a video of the deer walking up the aisle. She posted about her experience on Facebook with the caption: “While shopping at the Dollar General on Prospect I turned around and saw this… I was stunned for a quick minute then got out my phone. Apparently, the deer walked through the front doors as they slid open.”

Jackson Police and Jackson County Animal Control officers were called to the store to escort the doe back outside. The officers barricaded the aisles with boxes and carts. After about 20 minutes, the deer was eventually guided outdoors.

“It seemed as scared as we were but it didn’t run around or seem upset,” MacGuinness said.
