
Farmer Has Thousands of Wild River Fish as Pets

Pets are great sources of companionship and Muoi Phuc, a 52-year-old duck farmer from Long Kien, Vietnam, decided not to limit himself to a few pets inside the household. He attracted thousands of wild river fish to his riverside home by feeding them every day. Over the past two years, his feeding hand become their reliable food supply and more fish joined for a bite.

The fish aren’t the only ones in awe of his generous gesture as his home is a popular attraction for both locals and tourists. People make the time to swing by to watch the man with his daily fish feeding.

The fishes are loyal to the hand that feeds them. Other people have attempted to lure them to their residences by throwing food into the river but their roots are planted in Muoi Phuc’s house. They won’t go even if there is food to tempt them to switch over.

Credit: Bảo Kỳ

This feeding tradition started when his family was away and he had stopped by the house to cook rice to take to his grandparents. As he prepared the rice, he looked out the window and witnessed a few fish swimming to the shore with their mouths open. He assumed they were probably hungry and took duck food pellets and tossed them their way.

The next day, the same thing happened. He saw the fish swimming to the shore and threw the food. They haven’t forgotten the home since they bring more fish for company. There are different types of fish, like halibut, catfish, snakehead fish and white pompano.

Feeding a family can get expensive, let alone thousands of wild river fish guests. He stopped with the fish food that was costing him a lot with their growing bellies. Now he throws spoiled fruit and vegetables donated by local farmers and the fish still enjoy the rotten food.

His home isn’t always a safe haven for these fishes since fishing boats attempt to catch them with their nets. Fortunately, no fish have been harmed by the nets yet. Phuc and his family are not only feeding them, they are on night duty to protect their aquatic loved ones.
