
First Date Leads to High-Speed Chase With Police

Online dating can be a hit or miss depending on the user’s luck. Singles might stumble upon the love of their lives or a psycho with criminal intentions. In this world filled with questionable individuals, do you lose your heart or your possessions?

Wesley Burson met Jenifer Lee Gray via a dating app called “Plenty of Fish.” They scheduled a first date to meet in person at his Coweta County home. Burson had arranged for an Uber to pick her up at a Northwest Atlanta hotel and bring her over. His act of chivalry might have invited trouble straight to his front door.

Coweta County deputies referred to this scenario as the “date from hell” when things went downhill fast. The man had eyes for her but she had eyes for his stuff. “As they’re getting ready to go out for the evening, he’s getting ready, he hears his truck crank up in the driveway and she’s left in it,” said Coweta County Sheriff’s Sergeant Toby Nix.

Burson called the police to report his stolen pickup and the deputies found it with Gray behind the wheel. She didn’t give up easily as she sent the cops on a high-speed chase when she refused to pull over and accelerated to over 100 miles per hour.

“On the interstate, speeds were over 100 miles per hour, she was driving recklessly, trying to swerve and hit our patrol car while he was attempting to do a PIT maneuver,” said Nix.

The deputies managed to get a hold of Gray and she was arrested for the theft and fleeing from police.

This date was a disaster costing Burson a hefty bill with car repairs. When he’s ready to date again, there are plenty of fish in the sea.
