
High-Quality Vodka with a Brita Filter

Listen up, college students! For those alcoholics penny-pinching for the next booze purchase, opt for the cheap vodka and spruce it up with an inexpensive Brita filter.

Cheap vodka has a distinctively strong taste that leaves a burning sensation in the pit of your stomach. If you want to avoid burning up your gut, you can run the cheap vodka through a Brita filter for a more tolerable taste.

In a TikTok video, two friends experiment with cheap vodka and a Brita filter. They take a sip before the filtering process and a sip shortly after the magic of the filter. At first, they gag at the bitter taste. Then, they are shocked after the filtered process as it tastes like water. A special form of hydration that delivers a tipsy feeling similar to the unfiltered vodka.

Cheap vodka has more impurities than premium vodka, due to the slimmed-down distillation process and the quality of ingredients. Cheap vodka is made from molasses, potatoes, rice, or soybeans rather than the premium wheat or rye. The filtering process removes a lot of unwanted impurities.

This process actually works and it’s effective for the person who hates the taste of alcohol. They can still let loose on their inhibitions and have a rewarding social experience without the revolting taste.

A TikTok user replied: “‘Can it Kirkland’ but now ‘can it Brita?'”

Another commentator wrote: “I immediately began nodding. Internal dialogue: ‘This makes sense. This experiment is good.'”

In light of the high demand, red wine will be poured through the filter. As one user requested: “Wanna see this done with red wine and see what happens.”
