
Moose Interrupts Youth Soccer Game

Despite looking rather innocent, moose can be dangerous animals. A group of parents and youth soccer players learned just how terrifying a moose charging your way can be after one of the animals ran onto the field during a game.

Barbara Allen’s son was playing on a different field at the Jackson complex in Wyoming. She captured two videos of the moose as it ran onto the soccer field, sending the six and seven-year-old players running to their parents for protection.

Allen shared the videos to her Facebook page with the caption: “A rather large bull moose and some children playing soccer.”

Credit: Barbara Allen

Apparently, the moose seems more confused than anything. “I think the poor moose was just confused and didn’t know what he was doing,” Allen said. “I don’t think he knew what to do once he got on to the field and there were all these screaming kids and parents trying to herd them out of the way.”

In the second video, a man is shown riding an e-bike in an attempt to herd the moose away from the field. “Nobody knows who the ‘e-bike guy’ was yet,” Allen said. “I don’t know if I would want to get behind a bull moose on an e-bike but I give him a lot of credit for what he did helping to get the moose away from the children.”

Eventually, the moose did leave the area and no one was injured.
