
Navy Recruiter Hears Applicant’s Britney Spears Voicemail

First impressions are make-or-break instances during a job recruitment process with many other candidates looking to secure the same position. A job applicant for a position with the Royal Navy forgot to check his voicemail before providing the recruiters with his contact number. It wasn’t just a bad recording of his voice, rather he put Britney Spears on the line with his voicemail.

Callum posted a TikTok video online and explained that he had forgotten that he had used a YouTube clip for his voicemail until a recruiter had called him. It’s not the ideal caller to jog the memory with a job offer at stake.

In the viral video, Callum goes on to say: “I’ve just remembered that time that I applied for the Royal Navy and I forgot they had Britney Spears as my voicemail.”

The clip had a screen recording of his voicemail tune which featured the song “Hit Me Baby One More Time” playing in the background. Spears could be heard saying: “Hi, this is Britney Spears and sometimes my friend can come to the phone and this is one. So leave a message at the beep and baby we’ll call you back one more time. Thanks for calling.”

Addressing a stern navy recruiter as baby is one way to break the ice.

The recruiter for the Royal Navy was confused by the strange voicemail and replied: “Good afternoon, Britney. This is a message for Callum. If you could just pass it on to him to A) change his voicemail and B) if you can get in touch with the Royal Navy. That’ll be most appreciated. Bye now.”

That was how Britney Spears turned into Callum’s personal assistant. Callum later announced that he didn’t get the job with the Royal Navy and it remains uncertain whether the celebrity voicemail mess-up had anything to do with the recruitment decision.

He may have not been a hit with the recruiter but he was a hit with TikTok viewers who found the scenario absolutely hilarious. The voicemail might be here to stay. One user wrote: “You better not have changed it.”

Another added: “That’s okay, you’re in the Britney Army now.”

He might have been a trailblazer when it comes to paving the way for strange voicemails. People may follow his lead. A person commented: “I’m gonna change my voicemail to this!”
