
Penis Gummies Anyone?

Political campaigns should be executed with extra care and caution. Voters shouldn’t get the wrong impression at a sensitive time during elections.

A far-right German political party took initiatives to attract voters but they had the adverse effect where they may have been subject to ridicule by their target audience.

Der Spiegel editor Ann-Katrin Müller shared an image on Twitter of a pack of gummies that she said were sent out by the German state of Lower Saxony’s Alternative for Germany party prior to the election.

The party is aligned with far-right rhetoric and features a co-chair who once called for the “invasion of foreigners” and a party leader who once called the Berlin Holocaust memorial a “monument of shame.”

The AFD gummies package includes messages such as “there is an alternative” and “you just have to choose them.” The package features the party’s upward-pointing arrow logo but not everyone interpreted the gummies as an arrow shape. We can’t blame voters for seeing the male genitals, as it’s a viable interpretation. It’s almost as if the party was shaming its own members.

Antonin Brousek, an AFD parliamentary leader in the Berlin House of Representatives, posted online that these gummies are “completely unsuitable to seriously advertise our party.”

“Is that supposed to be put in your mouth? We’re just deeply ridiculous with this,” wrote Brousek.

The gummies will be removed from the campaigns. If you happen to grab a packet before it phases out, pop it in your mouth. If you can look past the shape, it probably still tastes the same.
