
Police Department Offers Doritos for Dealers on 4/20

While 420 is a day celebrated by many within cannabis culture, it can be a headache for law enforcement. To try to encourage “a benign 420 day,” a Pennslyvania police department offered special services and Doritos to residents in the community.

The New Cumberland Borough Police Department said that they were willing to check any “product” for free that residents want to bring by the station. “For your troubles, you will get a regular-size bag of Doritos,” the department said.

Police also said that if someone wanted to “turn in your dealer” they’ll give you a family-size bag of Doritos. Sounds like a pretty sweet deal.

The department was also looking out for those looking to participate in some illegal activities. “With that being said, if you need help with substance abuse issues, please contact Cumberland-Perry Drug & Alcohol Commission for assistance,” the department said.

Source: https://www.abc27.com/local-news/pennsylvania-police-department-offers-doritos-for-dealers-on-4-20/