
Robot Cockroaches Shake Up the Game

Cockroaches are one of the worst insects out there but they may be actually be doing some good in the future. Japan is a common area for earthquake strikes, which has lead researchers to create a type of backpack device that can fit on a cockroach that will be able to detect survivors trapped under tonnes of rubble.

Kenjiro Fukuda and the Thin-Film Device Laboratory team at Japanese research giant Riken developed a flexible solar cell film that’s so small it can fit on the insect’s abdomen. The film allows the roach to move freely while the solar cell generates enough power to process and send directional signals into sensory organs on the bug’s hindquarters.

First responders will soon be able to use these swarms of cyborg cockroaches and control their motion by remote control. They could eventually have the ability to enter hazardous areas with much more efficiency than a standard robot.

“The batteries inside small robots run out quickly, so the time for exploration becomes shorter,” Fukuda said. “A key benefit (of a cyborg insect) is that when it comes to an insect’s movements, the insect is causing itself to move, so the electricity required is nowhere near as much.”

Madagascar hissing cockroaches were chosen for the design because of their size. They’re big enough to carry the equipment while also having no wings that would get in the way like other types of cockroaches. The bugs can traverse small obstacles or even right themselves when flipped over.

Despite being a fully functioning robot, the research has a way to go. After a series of tests, some bugs still need to be worked out. The next challenge is miniaturizing the components so that the insects can move more easily. This will also allow for mounting sensors and eventually cameras.
