
“Scream” Costume Causes Scare in California

Usually, the sight of a figure wearing a “Scream” costume is reserved for the Halloween season. That wasn’t the case in Sonoma, California, where residents were reported that someone was walking around wearing a “Scream” costume.

Police in Sonoma had to rush to the area’s historic town square after getting multiple calls from people worried about the costumed figure causing mayhem. The person was reported to be seen standing on the corner of First Stret East and East Napa Street.

The horror figure had initially been captured on Visit Sonoma’s webcam video on the morning of February 27, 2023. After a brief investigation, police said the person told them that they were hired to promote Paramount Picture’s new Scream 6 movie.

The original film was released in 1996 and was filmed in locations throughout Sonoma county including the iconic Sonoma Plaza.
