
Six Loose Emus Get Rounded Up by Deputies

Emus have been making headlines these days, escaping their homes and running loose all around the United States. A group of six emus made their way to a busy road in Michigan where authorities had to assist in their capture.

The Kalamazoo County Sheriff’s Office announced in a Facebook post that the emus had escaped from an Oshtemo Township farm, located just outside of Kalamazoo. They were seen running near Stadium Drive and Sixth Street.

Credit: Kalamazoo County Sheriff’s Office

The sheriff’s office warned drivers to use caution while traveling in the area and that there is “never a dull day” at work.

It was later confirmed that all the emus were safely captured and returned to their owner. “We’re clear the scene. The owner was located and all emus have been secured,” the sheriff’s office wrote. Body camera footage of the chase was also released.
