
Snake Slithers Out From Under Hood of Moving Vehicle

When driving down the road, the last thing you probably want to see is a snake slithering from under the hood of your car. A couple driving on an Australian highway had quite the scare when they were greeted by the reptile.

Kerry Jenkins posted a TikTok where she showed a video of the snake coming out of their vehicle bit by bit while her family was traveling home from Darlington Beach, New South Wales. She and her partner were both shocked at the revelation.

It was only once the couple realized that the reptile was most likely a harmless green tree snake that they calmed down a bit. They were still worried about what might happen to the creature so they pulled over at their first opportunity.

The couple saw the snake slither from the front grille to the undercarriage of the car and managed to find the snake under the hood the next day. As of Jenkins’ most recent video, the snake still remains in the couple’s car still slithering about.
