
Drunk Woman Drives Into DUI Sign

Sometimes a message doesn’t get through your head until you crash right into it. A Texas woman was arrested and charged after driving into a “Don’t Drink and Drive” road sign while intoxicated in California.

Clarissa Hernandez was driving a Land Rover in Palm Springs, California, on August 10, 2023, when she encountered a DUI and driver’s licence checkpoint set up by the Palm Springs Police Department. Instead of simply going through the checkpoint, the intoxicated 27-year-old drove right into the electronic DUI sign and almost collided with a group of pedestrians.

Investigating officers discovered the sign flipped over on a sidewalk and the Land Rover resting in a nearby dirt field. When officers reached Hernandez, they found she was reeking of alcohol, with slurred speech and bloodshot eyes. “She was angry, argumentative and hostile,” Officer J. Valdivia said.

According to police, Hernadez said she had consumed a pint of tequila and had her last drink 10 minutes before the crash. After being questioned, Hernandez walked away from the crash scene and swung at officers who tried to stop her.

The 27-year-old from Texas was arrested and pleaded guilty to misdemeanor DUI charges. She was sentenced to three years of probation.
