
Food Delivery Driver Drops Off Orders Using Horse

Long lines have been plaguing gas stations across India so it’s no wonder that someone would come up with a creative way to avoid fuel pumps. A frustrated Indian food delivery driver decided to use a horse to help him avoid fuel queues and drop off orders.

A video was posted on X, which showed the unnamed worker for Zomato traveling the streets of Hyderabad, India, on a horse with the food order strapped to his back. In the footage, the delivery person said he had no fuel for his motorcycle and that he would’ve had to wait three hours in line to refuel.

“I left after taking the order, but couldn’t get the petrol,” he told people around him. The creativity arose from long lines at the pumps caused by a brief truckers’ strike, which led to a gasoline shortage.

The truckers were protesting a proposed law that would see hefty fines or decade-long jail sentences for hit-and-run incidents. The strike was called off after the Indian government said it would work with truck drivers before proceeding with the new law.
