
Man Pranks Grandfather With Used Woman’s Underwear Delivery

Christmas can be the holiday of pranks and gifts can bring on fits of laughter that lead to lasting memories. Alex Summers, a 26-year-old man from Liverpool, decided to prank his grandfather, Graham, with a special package of used women’s underwear. To anyone opening the package, it’s a puzzling shipment. It spells more trouble when the grandmother finds the scandalous order.

Credit: Kennedy News and Media

The grandson felt inspired after seeing a prank opportunity that makes it seem like the person ordered the product to their residence even if they didn’t place the order. The man wanted to make things more fun, so the package had details of the underwear on the envelope. There’s nothing entertaining about discreet packaging.

Things didn’t go the expected way. It wasn’t just a quick laugh that you look at and toss away. The grandson almost tore up his grandparent’s marriage when his grandma wasn’t okay with the finding. She was furious at her husband for his interest in ladies undies.

Carol Summers found the envelope on the doormat before Graham. She confronted him with the discovery and demanded answers.

“I’d ordered them to prank my grandad, but my grandma got to the front door first. I wasn’t expecting her to see them. It was so funny,” Alex said.

He continued: “I started videoing as soon as I noticed that she had it [the envelope], and she started shouting at him. She was going mental. I hope I’m not that bothered when I’ve been married that long. They’ve been married for 55 years.”

When Graham first sees the bright pink envelope, he protests that he has not ordered women’s underwear. His wife was skeptical since it has his name on it. Doubt still creeps in 55 years later. Graham said: “I can’t believe she thought they were mine. I thought [Carol] would’ve knew it wasn’t me ordering them.”

Later, the grandson came out with the truth and told them that it was a prank. The grandmother eventually came along after the grandson’s confession. “Oh, it was funny. I went mad at first but when I read the letter it was good. [Alex is] a wind-up,” Carol said.
