
Woman Burns Christmas Gift After Husband Hid It in Oven

The holiday season can come with all sorts of surprises, good and bad. A woman was shocked and heartbroken after she accidentally burned her own Christmas gift that her husband had hidden in the oven.

Kassi shared a video on TikTok explaining the accident. “When your husband thinks a good hiding place for your Christmas gifts is the oven,” the text overlay of the video read.

The Christmas gift in question ended up being a pair of Glow Waffle Honey Joggers from Victoria’s Secret, retailing at around $35. Burn marks could also be seen all over the surface of the clothing after it was charred by the kitchen appliance.

The video gained over 1 million views at the time of writing, with many criticizing Kassi’s husband’s hiding place. One user wrote: “I don’t understand why anyone turns an oven on without checking it. I always check it. Always. Especially since you live with other people,” to which Kassi replied: “Lesson learned.”
