
Cat Disrupts City Council Meeting

Cats can be pretty vocal animals when they want to be. A furry feline found itself in the middle of a city council meeting when it became trapped on a ledge between the ceiling and the roof of city hall.

The city council of Liberty Lake, Washington, was rudely interrupted by a cat that couldn’t keep its mouth shut during a public comment period of a meeting. Apparently, the cat didn’t enjoy what members of the public had to say.

The city posted about the feline on its Facebook page. “The cat not only interrupted every participant who came to the microphone during the public comment period, but also continued speaking from the newly established ‘balcony seating’ area for well beyond the public comment session’s established 3-minute time limit,” the post read.

After the two-hour meeting, authorities were able to apprehend the furry protester. It still remains unclear as to how the cat managed to find itself in such a situation.
