
Sheep Opens Latch to Escape From Pen

Sheep can be talented in many different ways, including becoming an escape artist. A sheep at a Scottish farm baffled owners after they captured the animal on video opening the latch of her pen with her mouth.

The naughty sheep in question, named Lucy, was caught on camera by workers at Whitehouse Farm sticking her head through the fence and using her mouth to undo the latch. While it did take her a minute to get the gate opened, once she did, it allowed her and the rest of her comrades in the pen to wander loose.

Credit: Whitehouse Farm

The farm had previously been dealing with their sheep escaping on multiple occasions. Workers were finally able to figure out who the culprit was by catching Lucy red-handed.

“A mystery has been solved today at Whitehouse Farm,” Whitehouse Farm wrote in a Facebook post. “We have been puzzled for sometime how the same pen of sheep keep getting out.”
