
Colorado Bear Tears Car to Pieces for Candy

Don’t mess with a bear when it comes to food. A bear in Colorado made its way into a parked car to steal a bag of peanut M&M’s, completely destroying the interior in the process.

Colorado Parks and Wildlife posted a video on X, which showed an officer opening a car door to free the bear that was inside a vehicle in Littleton, Colorado. Pictures of the destroyed interior were also included with the caption: “Look at what a bear can do to a car when they’re hungry and smell food left inside.”

The images of the inside of the vehicle showed how it had been ransacked by the bear. Trash was everywhere, the seats were torn to pieces and to top it all off, a pile of poop was left behind in the back seat.

According to wildlife officials, the bear had apparently been drawn to the vehicle after it smelled an unattended bag of peanut M&M’s. Fortunately, no one but the car was injured.
