
Drivers Use Rock, Paper, Scissors to Settle Parking Dispute

Instead of screaming at each other, why not use a childhood game to determine who gets a parking spot next time an argument arises? A pair of Irish drivers were able to settle their dispute over a parking space during Christmas week with an old-fashioned game of rock, paper, scissors.

Chloe Lawlor recorded the funny moment on December 23, 2022, crunch time before Christmas. She was behind two cars that were battling for a parking space. While most of the time a situation like this goes south, this wasn’t the case and the drivers settled the score like champs.

Credit: Chloe Lawlor

Instead of yelling, the video shows the drivers breaking out into a civilized game of rock, paper, scissors to see who had the skills to secure the parking spot. Lucky for the winning driver, the loser followed the rules accordingly and drove away from the prime parking location.

Lawlor said that the video was shot in Tralee, County Kerry, Ireland. She originally caption the video: “Only in Tralee.”
