
Kraft Looking to Change Definition of the Word “Moist”

When most people think of the word “moist,” mayonnaise probably isn’t the first thing that comes to mind. Kraft is looking to change the negative connotation that comes with the word “moist” by lobbying their point to Merriam-Webster.

Kraft wants everyone, including the dictionary company Merriam-Webster to start embracing the wet word instead of shunning it. One way they think this can be done is by getting the word searched online as much as possible to receive Merriam-Webster’s coveted “Word of the Year” award.

To start off this campaign and change the perception of the word, Kraft presented Merriam-Webster with a 6-foot-4 tall jar of mayo at the dictionary company’s headquarters in Springfield, Massachusetts. The words “real moist” were also made front and center on the jar.

Kraft Real Mayo Brand Manager Frances Sabatier said most people don’t know why they don’t like the word. “Kraft Real Mayo has such a devoted fanbase of mayo lovers, and we want to embolden them to help us change the perception by searching the word ‘moist’ online so many times that it’s elected Merriam-Webster’s word of the year,” Sabatier said.

The brand has other stunts in mind too, including hosting a “Search-A-Thon” livestream on Twitch that will partner with gaming influencers to encourage their viewers to search the word “moist” as much as possible, along with other paid advertisements online.

Source: https://www.masslive.com/news/2023/11/kraft-lobbies-dictionary-company-on-behalf-of-its-moist-mayo.html