
Man Plays the Victim Card by Starting a Fire

Why go through the trouble of earning a living from a job when you can set your house on fire to pay the bills? It sounds like a no-brainer for a man from Brooklyn Center, Minnesota.

Denis Vladmirovich Molla, a 29-year-old, lit his camper on fire to stage it to appear as a politically-motivated crime and then filed a few fraudulent insurance claims.

The U.S. Attorney’s Office confirmed that he has been charged with two counts of wire fraud related to the fire incident in the home.

Molla told police officers that his camper was set on fire due to a Trump 2020 flag displayed on it. The intruder was in the mood for vandalism and spray-painted the Antifa symbol, “BLM” and “Biden 2020” on his garage door.

Unfortunately for the creative storyteller, cops caught on during the investigation and discovered that Molla actually lit the fire and spray-painted his own residence.

Molla attempted to manipulate the situation by submitting “multiple insurance claims seeking coverage for the damage to his garage, camper, vehicles and residence caused by the fire.”

His insurance claims totaled over $300,000 and he only received $61,000 from the applications. Frustrated by the lack of funding, he accused the insurance company of “defrauding him.”

Molla had personal fundraising campaigns from two GoFundMe accounts that earned him more than $17,000. He leveraged people’s emotions and pity to rack up his bank balance.

Molla will be embracing his new home behind bars while the cops detangle his web of lies.
