
Plumbing Company Bracing for “Brown Friday” After Thanksgiving

While today may be Thanksgiving, a day to spend time with family and reminisce about how thankful you are, U.S. plumbers are preparing for their busiest day of the year. “Brown Friday,” the day after Thanksgiving, is what a plumbing company is warning U.S. residents about.

Roto-Rooter said Brown Friday marks the busiest day of the year for plumbers, averaging 50 percent more calls than a typical Friday. In its entirety, Thanksgiving weekend averages around 21 percent more calls for service than the average Thursday-Sunday period.

The company said the main culprits are clogs in kitchen sinks, toilets and garbage disposals. “Often, the case is that a house already has partially clogged drains that go unnoticed, until holiday guests arrive and overwhelm the system,” Roto-Rooter spokesman Paul Abrams said. “Even more problematic is that virtually every traditional Thanksgiving dish is a drain-clogging culprit.”

Roto-Rooter did offer some advice for avoiding Thanksgiving weekend plumbing problems. This includes keeping fats and cooking oils away from the sink, wiping grease out of pots and pans with a paper towel before washing them and avoiding putting potential clog-causing foods such as poultry skins, celery, fruit and potato peels down the garbage disposal.

Source: https://www.rotorooter.com/blog/plumbing/why-the-day-after-thanksgiving-is-so-busy-for-plumbers/