
Pub Covers Hospital Cab if Sandwich Results in a Heart Attack

If you clog your arteries with fatty food and end up with a heart attack, at least the cab ride to the hospital is covered. You might risk your life but the expenses are kept low. Although that doesn’t sound like a tempting offer, it’s a real deal at The George Pub & Grill.

On the restaurant’s official Facebook account, they announced a mouthwatering food item: PARMO KEBAB SANDWICH. With over 8,000 calories, it’s a heavy meal that can keep your tummy full for a week if you manage to get through that giant sandwich.

The caption read: “If anyone has a heart attack whilst eating this then we will pay for a taxi to the hospital. If someone does pop their clogs then we’ll chip in on the headstone. Dig in!”

Restaurants aren’t known for their nutritious options but at the same time, it’s not every day that companies openly announce that their food can potentially kill you. With each bite, these restaurant workers are happy to send people to an early grave.

People are ready to open their mouths and wallets to try this item. As one person commented: “I can feel the indigestion. But I’d still eat it.”

We need paramedics, not cab drivers, as one person rightly pointed out: “Taxi drivers are not taking heart patients to hospital.”

Take a bite, hopefully, it’s not your last meal.

Source: https://www.facebook.com/GeorgePubAndGrill/posts/pfbid0m8JN7qjmGe1XYaeNxrofdaDx6fohSNWvtT7YgfC3QS7jLawjjTRqLQwWhBMJdmazl