
Woman Dumps Her Fiancé and Expects Him to Stay Single

Getting dumped is sure to bruise the ego and leave people crushed with self-doubt. If the break-up is on reasonable grounds, individuals may choose to part with their ex-lovers by wishing them the best and hoping they find someone else more compatible. 

An anonymous man shared his love life to Reddit’s Dating Advice forum and the conditions that came with his break-up were out of the ordinary. He was puzzled after his fiancé broke off the engagement but told him he couldn’t re-enter the dating scene since it would “invalidate their relationship.”

In other words, he can’t be with her or any other girl. The ex-fiancé requires loyalty after the relationship has reached its end.

The break-up wasn’t a surprise as the man agreed that it was an inevitable turn to their downhill relationship. In the post, he explained: “It was pretty clear cut why she wanted the break-up. We just were moving in separate directions in life and wanted vastly different things. She doesn’t want kids, I do, stuff like that. Pretty reasonable. So, I wasn’t even mad.”

It was the bizarre dating rule that made him lift his eyebrow. According to her, he can’t meet new people because it was “rude” and “invalidates our relationship.”

The poster blew some steam in his post by adding: “I’ve been told this by several people, including herself. I’m sorry but what new age c**p is that? She dumped me! That kinda invalidated our whole relationship already!”

Although the woman seems unreasonable with her expectation, the Reddit commentators were supportive of the man. One person commented: “Invalidates our relationship? I think what she means is ‘I thought I would move on and be dating much faster than you while you sat around and missed me and were sad. And you’re f*****g my ego up by moving on first, so I need you to not do that.’ Narcissists gonna narcissist. Do what makes you happy!”

Another person said: “If you get dumped, you’re immediately a free agent again. Period. Enjoy!”

Since the break-up, the man had moved back to his parent’s house in a different state. He is a free single man capable of testing the waters with other people. The ex-fiancé will learn that you can’t avoid eating the cake and stop other people from having a bite too.
