
Woman Files Lawsuit Against Husband for Not Showering Enough

Personal hygiene can say a lot about someone. A Turkish woman decided to file a lawsuit against her husband claiming that he rarely showered and smelled of sweat constantly.

The woman, identified only as A.Y., filed for divorce from her husband, C.Y., saying that the man’s lack of personal hygiene was the main reason. The plaintiff’s lawyer told the 19th Family Court in Ankara, Turkey, that the defendant wore the same clothes for at least 5 days in a row, rarely showered, and constantly reeked of sweat.

Witnesses including mutual acquaintances and some of the husband’s co-workers were brought in to confirm the claims and gave statements regarding the defendant’s poor personal hygiene. Court documents showed that C.Y. took a shower around once every seven to ten days, and only brushed his teeth once or twice a week.

“Spouses must fulfill the responsibilities of the shared life,” A.Y.’s lawyer, Senem Yılmazel, said. “If the shared life becomes unbearable due to behavior, the other party has the right to file for divorce. We must all be careful in human relations! For this reason, we must pay attention to both our behavior and cleanliness.”

The court approved the woman’s request for a divorce and also ordered the husband to pay her $16,500 as compensation for putting up with his lack of personal hygiene.
