
Bride Drops the Veil for Cash

For cunning individuals, manipulating people’s vulnerable emotions can prove to be a profitable venture. The romantic idealization of the love interest commonly experienced in the early stages of a relationship encourage people to suspend skepticism. People willingly fall into the hands of their lovers in the hopes of a blissful fairy tale.

Some fairy tales do not have happy endings. The story comes with a painful heartbreak and empty pockets. A bride-to-be abandoned her British fiancé at the airport and robbed him of his possessions. The lady took his suitcase along with $5,900 cash.

The woman disappeared with her fiancé’s belongings after excusing herself to the washroom at Heathrow Airport. Her loo break never ended as she was nowhere to be found.

The couple was engaged the day before their flight. They had plans to head to Rome for their wedding. The destination wedding was a reality check for the groom, who no longer had a bride. She was more interested in his cash than a lifetime of marital bliss.

The cash she took off with was a gift that the man had presented to her for the wedding.

A witness said: “He was in bits — totally inconsolable. Apparently, they’d only met very recently and he’d fallen head-over-heels for her.”

Airport staff had a search party to track down his lady, but they had no luck locating her. They concluded: “In the end, the police were called. Even her name was in doubt by then.”

Unfortunately, his weeping will not bring the lady back to the altar. This gold digger crushes hearts for the cash. A plot twist could be that she gets married in Rome to another man with deeper pockets.
