
Donut Thief Charged With Wielding Hatchet

Donuts are a delicious treat but there’s no need to get violent over them. A Bismarck man allegedly raised a hatchet toward a convenience store clerk who tried to stop him from stealing the tasty pastry.

Brently Iron Road was trying to steal a package of donuts from a Simonson Station store in North Dakota when he was confronted by a clerk who allegedly saw him put the package in his coat. The clerk told Iron Road to put the donuts back, which he did, but he became agitated in the process.

When the clerk told him to leave the store, he pulled a hatchet from his waistband and raised it toward the worker. Iron Road left the store after the clerk told him to leave for the second time.

Police did discover the hatchet in a snowbank and reviewed the store’s security camera footage which showed the thief raising the hatchet to shoulder height and shaking it toward the clerk. Iron Road now faces a charge of felony terrorizing and misdemeanor criminal trespass in connection with the incident.
