
Shoppers Shocked at $460 Price Tag for Red Roses Bouquet

On Valentine’s Day, people try to shower their partners with gifts hoping it will secure a place in their hearts. Is there a price that you can put on love? It’s challenging to put a price on the emotional value of the exchange but sometimes a gift isn’t worth it. If it’s taking away a chunk of the mortgage payment, the gift might land you an angrier spouse than a grateful one. 

Shoppers in London were in disbelief during a commute through the Liverpool Street train station where there was a high price tag attached to a bouquet of roses for Valentine’s Day.

An anonymous user shared the finding to a Reddit forum with the pleasant arrangement of flowers along with an unreasonable price. Attached was a photo of the flowers that displayed a selection of red, white, and blue roses.

There was little doubt about the physical appeal of the flowers. They were beautiful, but how could one possibly justify spending $240 to $460 on flowers that will be gone by next week?

In the post, there was a caption that read: “£385 for roses in Liv St Station.”

“Madness, see top right,” they added.

The timing of the sale item makes all the difference. A commentator replied with their thoughts: “Roses at Valentine’s Day drastically increase in price. You can usually purchase decent ones for roughly £1/£1.20 per stem on a regular day. Now add in the demand.” 

Another wrote: “I showed my Mrs. and she said ‘if you buy those, I will leave you on principle.'” The last thing you want is for a spouse to re-evaluate their choice of a life partner. 

A third added: “I’d feel the same. I’d not be able to get past our mortgage payment (obviously don’t live in London) being spent on something that would be dead in a week and not leave a lasting memory (that’s a weekend in Morocco flights included, for example, or almost double the price of the tasting menu in the shard — sans drinks and still cheaper with them).”

Love doesn’t always have to break the bank and most people will take a hard pass on this item. 

Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/london/comments/111h1je/385_for_roses_in_liv_st_station/