
Dog Pulls a Knife on Its Owner

Most dogs enjoy playing fetch with whatever object they can get their paws on. Unfortunately, for one owner, that involved his Great Pyrenees pulling a knife on him with the hopes of busting out a risky game of fetch.

Dog-walker Matt Paprocki was taking Theo out for his daily stroll when the dog “shoved his face into a pile of sticks and branches.” Instead of pulling out the best stick of the bunch, the dog pulled out a knife. “My eye caught the glint of metal and it was instant panic,” Paprocki said.

Paprocki took a video of the incident to send to Theo’s owner and also posted about the moment on Twitter. Although Paprocki begged the animal to drop the knife, Theo had other ideas. It was now his new favorite toy and nothing was going to come between the two.

“They need trades for something of greater value to them. I tried trading him for animal crackers, which I always take with me. Didn’t work. Tried a good stick. Didn’t work. My concern was he was going to jump around and play with the knife,” Paprocki said.

Thankfully, Theo’s owner rushed to the scene with some better food items to trade for the knife. After trying whipped cream, it was actually some delicious salmon that got Theo to drop the knife and chow down.
