
German Brewery Launches Powdered Pints

Contrary to standard processes, a refreshing beer during a night out can begin in a powdered form.

Skeptics may raise their eyebrows in disbelief at the thought of powdered beer but Neuzeller Klosterbräu, a brewery in eastern Germany, has come up with an alternate production process that can create a powdered beer.

The makers took about two years to bring this product to life with the assistance of government funding. After some experimentation, the German brewery can create any type of beer in powdered form, including alcohol and carbonation.

They have branded themselves as creating the world’s first carbonated powder beer to differentiate themselves from the competitors. When the powder gets mixed with water, it can mimic the taste of the liquid beverage.

The global beer industry can benefit from powdered beer since this form is lighter than liquids and it can greatly cut down on shipping costs. Without compromising on the taste, the customer still gets a sip of the same quality in a more cost-effective way.

“It’s the world’s first complete beer in powdered form and it could change the world,” Stefan Fritsche, the brewery’s managing director, said. “Add water and you’ll get a beer with the complete beer taste including alcohol and carbon dioxide and a head of foam. In principle, we can produce any beer in the world using the method — dark beer, light beer, India pale ale, whatever.”

Fritsche reassured skeptical buyers that this innovative beer isn’t a replacement for traditional beer. The purpose of this innovation is to provide a better solution to overseas shipping costs, since “it makes no sense to import glass bottles, fill them with German water and then send the beer to Africa or China or wherever.”

“We want the complete beer taste. We have the foam, we already have the beer taste. We want to add the carbon dioxide in powder form. We want to add the alcohol in powder form,” Fritsche said. “We can do all that with powder. And, of course, it is absolutely fascinating that we have succeeded. For the first time worldwide.”

Source: https://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/german-brewery-introduces-powdered-pint-lrzh2rh82