
Whale’s Penis Found Resting Along Aussie Seashore

An Australian woman was taking in the views at North Queensland’s Magnetic Island when she stumbled upon a mysterious object. Among the scenic views of the sea with the clear water and soft sand, she was taken back by a body part that had washed up on shore that must have been ripped out of a sea creature.

She shared the wild experience on TikTok with the caption: “Wasn’t expecting that.” The genitals of a whale were definitely a sight for sore eyes, as it began to trend with over 800,000 views.

Credit: bootscootinaf

TikTok users couldn’t believe their eyes as they tried to make sense of the fumbling object. One person asked, “Pardon me, but . . . WAS THAT THING MOVING?!” How is it displaced from the body and still showing signs of movement? This must defy all forms of logic.

Another person drew a reference to the classic cartoon who lives in a pineapple under the sea, “Poor Patrick. SpongeBob must be beside himself.”

A lot of users assumed that it was a body part of a whale but the floor was still open for other interpretations. One woman guessed a human body part, “First glance thought it was a human leg.”

The original poster shared another video to wrap up the mystery after the help of other users and marine biologists. She concluded that it is a whale and since the whales mate in groups, male whales bite each other’s genitals off. Then it surfaces when they wash off in the sea.
