
Earbud Stuck in Man’s Ear for Five Years

When something’s wrong with your body, you often have a pretty good idea as to what has been causing the problem. A British man thought he was going deaf when he purchased a home endoscope kit to figure out what was bothering his ear.

Wallace Lee had been experiencing hearing loss for the past few years and tried to solve the problem by looking into his ear himself. Instead of going deaf, he actually discovered a small white object in his ear that appeared on the tiny camera.

“Five years ago when I was visiting my family in Australia I bought these little earplugs that you can put different attachments in, depending on the noise you want to phase out on an aircraft,” Lee said. “One of these little attachments had lodged in there and it had been in there ever since.”

Lee was able to make an appointment to see an ear, nose and throat specialist, who removed the object with ease. “Instantly I could hear everything in the room. The fog that was in my head for all those years went and left — and I could hear perfectly well,” he said.
