
Fast Food Restaurant Offers Anne Frank Burger and Hitler Fries

Not everyone wants to be taken back in time and reminisce on Hitler while indulging in a fast-food craving. A fast food restaurant in Argentina has left a sour taste for customers after unveiling items like the “Adolf” cheese and bacon-covered french fries and their “Ana Frank” hamburger.

Honky Donky, a local eatery in the town of Rafaela in the Santa Fe province, announced controversial names for their food items. Some of these names include Mongolian khagan Genghis Khan, Chinese communist revolutionary Mao Zedong, and World War II-era Italian fascist leader and Hitler ally, Benito Mussolini.

The eatery was subject to tremendous backlash and these names certainly weren’t a hit with their customers as they voiced their concerns on the Rafaela Jewish Community Facebook page. A person said, “express its most heartfelt disapproval and indignation” of the menu, requesting that Honky Donky take down items connected to the Holocaust. They believe names like Hitler, Mussolini, and Anne Frank should belong nowhere near the menu.

Ariel Rosenthal, a representative of the Rafaela Jewish Community, said that they reached out to the owners of the restaurant and asked them to remove the menu items. However, their request fell on deaf ears and these items are still being offered to the customers.

“We do not understand the delay in doing it,” said Rosenthal. “We deeply regret this incident and we hope that the matter will be reflected upon.”

Shortly after, Honky Donky apologized for the menus in their Instagram story. They are now researching new names to replace the current list so expect to see food names that reflect “defenders of peace and human rights.” Some of these would include “Mahatma Gandhi, Martin Luther King, Dalai Lama, Barak (sic) Obama, Teresa de Calcuta, Carlos Mujica, Nelson Mandela, Mijail (sic) Gorbachov, Juan Pablo II, among others.”

Source: https://www.pagina12.com.ar/573364-una-hamburgeseria-de-rafaela-ofrecia-el-combo-ana-frank-con-?