
Grandma Wants to Die With a Giant Dick

Sexual desire only gets stronger with age as orgasms never lose their appeal for a sensual lady. Penises are worth dying for and one lady is ready to go to the grave with an enormous penis to mark the end of her memorable life. How does one forget a lady with a giant penis on her grave? Her memories will linger around long after her spirit is gone.

Catarina Orduña Pérez, a 99-year-old, had a peculiar wish for a modest senior: she needs a large dick statue sitting on top of her grave. Her family honored her wishes and revealed a five-and-a-half-foot tall statue of a penis on her tomb at a cemetery in Mexico. The monument weighs approximately 600 pounds as her preferences for a cock are oversized. Go big or go home.

“She wanted to break the paradigm of everything Mexican, where things are sometimes hidden because of not having an open mind. She was always very avant-garde, very forward-thinking about things,” her grandson Álvaro Mota Limón said.

Pérez was unapologetically herself and she could care less about the opinion of others. According to her beliefs, sexual liberation is something to be celebrated, not repressed. Not everyone has the guts to request their family to stick a penis to their tomb.

A dick is open to many interpretations as her family viewed the Spanish term for penis ‘Verga’ as a positive expression. They referred to their family members as Vergas, representing their integrity, courage, passion, love, and joy.

Beautiful meaning for something people can view as vulgar. If someone calls you a dick next time, maybe say thank you for the positive remark on my character. They will be scratching their head for days.
