
Lotto Simulator Wasted 800 Years Trying to Win Jackpot

Winning the lottery should be left to chance and enthusiastic lotto players who refuse to surrender to the outcome of the game may have to face losses. 

A lottery simulator tried to outsmart the system by using a highly technical computer program. They ended up wasting money and time, but no big win. They spent 800 virtual years investing £200,000  attempting to win a EuroMillions jackpot of £57.5 million. 

Online entertainment company Casinos.win ran an experiment for 800 years, 10 months and 27 days to win £57,524,942.60. The result was disappointing for the company since their dreams of securing the lotto win didn’t come true.

Although a few small wins kept them going, their losses came up to £158,689.

A spokesperson said: “If it were possible to play the Euromillions for that amount of time, someone would have had to invest around £208,232 which is a little shy of the average cost of a U.K. house in 2022 (£281,161).

“Throughout the simulation, the total prize money won would have accumulated to £49,542, enough to purchase a second-hand Range Rover. Overall, a person playing a lottery in this way would have lost £158,689, or only recovered 23.79% of their investment.

“Many of us play lotteries knowing the odds are small and while your results may differ from our simulation the chances of winning the big jackpot are slim. It can become a problem however if you are using gambling as a way of getting out of poverty, paying off debts or changing your lives.

“You must never spend more than you can afford on any type of gambling as it can be very dangerous and leads to a vicious cycle.”

Sunk cost fallacy kept this company pouring more time and money into an endeavour where the chances of success are very slim.

With the lottery, it may be best to sit back passively and let go of the desire to control the outcome. The win might happen when it’s not forced with intense calculations. 

Source: https://www.dailystar.co.uk/news/latest-news/lottery-simulator-spends-800-years-29355038