
Parents Spend $4,000 on Sorority Consultants to Help Daughters

Some college women have been aiming to join a sorority with their parents spending a significant amount of money toward services that help their daughters reach their goals. These parents had a deep love for their daughters along with deep pockets.

It’s been reported that certain companies offer coaching services for women going through sorority recruitment. Along with the list of companies, there was a list of costs for the different types of service; some of these coaching plans were $150 and others reached thousands of dollars. 

Hiking in Heels, a Texas-based sorority consulting firm, offers on-call services for clients going through the process and costs $4,000.  

In Georgia, the firm It’s All Greek to Me provides comprehensive, detailed guidance to college women rushing for $3,500. That service includes “full support through the summer and rush with your mentor-built relationship.”

Greek Chic, a company based in New York, offers an option for guidance on “dressing for the events, navigating conversations, obtaining letters of recommendation and other aspects of sorority recruitment.” Parents can opt for that option by paying $2,000.

For the parents researching cheaper alternatives, there is a $150 video session from Recruitment Ready or a $600 training from It’s All Greek to Me. These fees cover a range of topics like timelines, social media and makeup.

While all this money can go into practice, it doesn’t guarantee a spot in some of the most prestigious sororities in the United States. In 2022, over 125,000 women rushed and of those, around 20 to 25 percent reportedly didn’t receive a bid from a chapter or dropped out during the process.

The rush of people continues to grow and parents are willing to dump more funds into these sorority programs.

Source: https://www.wsj.com/articles/sorority-consultants-rush-colleges-parents-prepare-80b2cfc8