
Road Sign Instructs Motorists to Smoke Weed Everyday

The highway might be the perfect spot to get high. Nothing drills the point quite like a bright LED display to caution drivers.

Rather than the ordinary driving prompts, an LED display in Mumbai read “smoke weed everyday.” A video was shared on Twitter by a user and people were left confused by the instruction. Are we trying to get people into more motor collisions?

This LED notice board was sure to spark controversy. If someone is stoned on the road, can you blame them? They were simply following contradictory instructions. Although narcotic drugs are prohibited in India, this sign leads people to believe differently.

Users are baffled online, and one person thinks a few words might be missing: “Even if it was preceded by a ‘Do not,’ why ‘everyday’?”

This one time, do not follow instructions. The rules go out the window.

Source: https://twitter.com/tigerAkD/status/1605153227565305856