
Shopping Mall’s High-Tech Urinals Offer Urine Sample Tests

In China, people who don’t have time to go to their doctor for their annual check-up may be able to get by with a quick stop at the shopping mall. There are high-tech urinals scattered across the country that are capable of carrying out rapid urine sample tests. Locals can go to shopping malls, tourist attractions and other public areas rather than solely relying on doctor’s offices.

There were photos of a urinal at a mall in Beijing’s business district that have been in the spotlight for its unusual features. The urinal comes with a built-in payment processing unit that enables users to have their urine tested after releasing it.

The urinal has special sensors that analyze the urine for a range of things, such as “calcium, glucose, protein, ketone bodies, ascorbate and others.” Any nutrition deficiencies can be easily detected thanks to these high-tech urinals.

The company behind the manufacturing of these urinals claimed that their devices are similar to the hospital testing units and the results are accurate enough to draw health conclusions. This bold claim is up for debate due to the location of the urinals and the hygiene concerns.

Credit: Bastille Post

People using the urinal will be redirected to a pop up message that reads: “You will get a urine test report after peeing, will you pay for it?” There is a QR code that users can scan for payment of $2.80 and the test takes approximately two minutes to complete. The shopping mall urine tests might be a tempting offer since it’s significantly cheaper than the hospital ones.

A Chinese doctor warned people that the results from the smart urinals should be taken with a grain of salt since there is a chance of errors. It’s not wise to base medical decisions based on these shopping mall urinals, the hospital tests will deliver a more accurate reading.

A user shared a photo of the disclaimer spotted on one of the smart urinals: “This product is not a medical device, and the results cannot be used as a basis for diagnosis, and are only used as a reference for health management data.”

Source: https://www.bastillepost.com/hongkong/article/13094431-商場男廁設「電子小便池」可做健康檢測-22附報告?current_cat=9